Mandatory vaccination disclosure
There is a vaccination disclosure policy for all:
school board employees
staff in private schools
staff in licensed child care settings
Staff who are not immunized against COVID-19
Masks and hand washing
Schools will:
ensure students are wearing a mask when required
educate students on appropriate hand hygiene
schedule breaks for students to wash their hands
have hand sanitizer available at key locations throughout the school
Students must wear non-medical or cloth masks indoors, including in hallways and during classes and on school vehicles.
We will provide three-ply cloth masks for students.
Students can remove masks indoors to consume food or drink only, with a minimum distance of two metres maintained between cohorts.
Teachers and staff
All staff in schools must wear medical masks (surgical, procedural) or N95 masks (including non-fit-tested) indoors, including in hallways and during classes.
Staff do not need to wear medical masks outdoors when they can stay two metres away from other people.
We will provide non-fit-tested N95 masks for all teachers and other school board staff, including bus drivers.
Eye protection (for example, face shields or goggles) is not required for staff working with students who are wearing masks.
Mandatory self-screening
Students, teachers, school staff and visitors must self-screen for symptoms of COVID-19 before going to school.
On-site screening
Schools will confirm that students, teachers, staff and visitors have self-screened for symptoms of COVID-19
before they can enter school
at the start of every school day
Confirmation will happen on-site at the school. It will continue until further notice and as instructed by the Ministry of Education throughout the school year.
Tools and signage
Schools have:
signs to reinforce self-screening for symptoms of illness, hand hygiene, physical distancing and one-way foot traffic in hallways and bathrooms
hand sanitizer at key locations throughout the school
rules about how people enter and exit the school
Lunch and cafeteria use
Students can eat lunch together:
outdoors with their cohort, without physical distancing
Indoors, including in the cafeteria, with at least two metres distance between students from different cohorts
Visitors can enter schools. Visitors must wear a medical mask and self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms before entering the school.
Cleaning practices
Schools will continue to have enhanced cleaning practices. This includes cleaning high-touch surfaces, like eating areas, washrooms, doorknobs and desks at least twice a day.
Take-home PCR self-collection kits
If take-home PCR self-collection kits are available, publicly funded elementary and secondary schools can offer kits to students and staff who develop symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19 while at school.
Students and staff that develop symptoms at school will be able to pick up a PCR self-collection kit from school, if kits are available, collect the sample at home and drop it off at a participating location.
If someone becomes ill at school
If anyone becomes ill at a school, they will:
be immediately separated from others, in a separate room if possible, until they can go home
be provided with a medical mask
continue to be supervised according to the school's usual policy
be asked to maintain physical distancing
be unable to take school or public transportation
If your child becomes ill at school
If your child becomes ill at school, they must go home.
The school will contact you and you'll need to arrange for them to get home, in a way that does not include public transportation. We encourage you to have a plan for this ahead of time.